It is important to realize the damage that large amounts of snow or melting ice/snow can do to your house. A lot of people may focus on getting the house ready for winter but it's just as important to maintain it throughout the winter and know what to look for. Check out these key things around the house.....
Check your roof: Always check your roof after a big snow, but you also want to check it when the snow is melting. Make sure to brush away heavy accumulations of snow and ice dams to avoid cave-ins. A roof rake is a good way to remove snow from your shingles or if you’re not comfortable going up on your roof, hire a contractor.
Check downspouts: Make sure gutters are clear of snow and debris so water can easily drain. You also want to make sure your downspouts are draining away from the foundation.
Shovel Snow Away From Your Foundation: Remove snow away from foundation and check for any excess snow around downspouts, basement window wells and stairwells. This will help from water seeping into the basement.
Get a Sump Pump: Consider having a sump pump installed if there isn't already one installed. This will help pump excess water out of the basement and away from your property to prevent flooding. If there is a sump pump already installed make sure it's working properly.
Protect your home, it can save you from damages to the home and save money in the long run!!!
